A wish for rain

When my daughter asks me for a specific design or idea, I am always impressed with the level of detail she provides. During the middle of a snowstorm a few days before Valentine’s Day, we were lamenting our lack of outside time together as we watched the flakes gently falling on the snow drifts.

This past winter has been especially snowy. While the weather hasn’t been particularly cold, but we have had a record breaking amount of snow! In our own backyard, we have piles of snow more than 4 feet tall! Despite its beauty, I expressed my disappointment in more snow. My daughter, an optimist and fan of winter, agreed with me and suggested that we make some artwork together to chase away the winter blues.

After a little bit of time making some paper artwork together, my kiddo asked me to make her an umbrella design with raindrops in the shape of hearts. Because there was fresh snow to shovel play in, I filed the idea away for later and surprised her with the design a few days later. It’s always hard to get an idea exactly right for someone, but she was happy with how her vision came to life. She proudly proclaims that this shirt is her favorite.

Multi-color hearts fall around a mint, white, and sky blue umbrella that looks like a golf umbrella. Below the umbrella are two yellow rain boots, blue pant legs, and a yellow raincoat splashing in a rainbow colored puddle.